Dream Jobs

Hi there. This was originally posted on the fabulous blog: Girls Heart Books. It's a blog aimed at girls aged 8-14, where wonderful authors write everyday about their books, their lives and much, much more. There are often competitions too! If you love reading, then I really recommend you check it out.

This post has been adapted a little. Can you spot the differences???

I’ve always been a day dreamer with my head in the clouds. When I was younger my mind would drift to Narnia or Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. And now it often drifts to Hogwarts. I still look out for owls, hoping for a letter. As a writer, I feel like the luckiest person alive because I get to keep my head in the clouds. I get to make up stories and create imaginary worlds. I don’t think I’ve ever grownup really.

Drifting on a cloud

Drifting on a cloud

Yet I didn’t always want to be an author. I had so many other jobs in mind.

When I was very young, I wanted to be a mermaid. Who wouldn’t want to swim all day or sit on a rock and brush their hair? But as I never grew a tail and I couldn’t breathe under water, that didn’t work out.

As I got a bit older, I realised that wanting to be a mermaid was a little unrealistic so I thought of actual jobs. I was (and still am) passionate about animals, so I thought I could be a vet. Unfortunately I wasn’t very good with the sight of blood – it made my skin turn cold and clammy. Injections made me cry. And I didn’t like to be near vomit because it stank. So basically I wanted to be a vet for healthy animals and that didn’t work either.


I thought I wanted to be a flight attendant. I could travel and see the world. But guess what? I got airsick – and as you know I didn’t like vomit!

I wanted to be a moviestar. To be honest, I still haven’t given up on that dream. I’m thinking I’d like to play opposite Hugh Jackman. Except I can’t act!

However, I have had some fantastic jobs. I was a barmaid, a waitress, a shop assistant and an au pair (a nanny) to name a few. I was a primary school teacher for a number of years, which was a fab job for someone who has never grown up.

Then when my kids were very young, I started writing. And I have been doing that ever since. My first book The Scarlet Files: Cat Burglar is out in January 2016 and I am beyond excited. 

So I was wondering – what is your dream job? If you could be anything in this world – or perhaps not even in this world - what would you be? For this answer, don’t let the lack of tails or gills hold you back...





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About the author

Having lived in several exotic places, Tamsin loves to travel, have adventures and see wild animals. She used to be a primary school teacher but now writes at every opportunity. She lives in Somerset with her adrenalin-junkie family. When she isn’t writing, she can be found tromping through the woods with her soppy dog, reading books or eating jellybeans. Tamsin likes to think her Nahualli (spirit animal) would be a lioness or a jaguar but her friends tell her it’s a Labradoodle!

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